James's Updates
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Pellentesque eget euismod risus. Ut vitae felis et ligula blandit efficitur. Nulla facilisi. Integer ligula ante, eleifend ac eros at, elementum molestie elit. Nunc et metus nec enim euismod ultricies. Sed interdum mattis tellus quis varius. Quisque vel ante quis ex dapibus consectetur a sed ex. Sed id fermentum nisl, semper ultricies sapien.

Sed faucibus fermentum nibh, in rhoncus justo ullamcorper a. Etiam auctor ultricies lacinia. Etiam tortor sapien, vulputate non ipsum a, placerat sagittis risus. Aliquam sit amet fringilla leo. Aenean lorem turpis, posuere eu orci volutpat, sagittis bibendum mauris.

Fundraising Updates
100% of target reached!
Fundraising complete! The 100! has reached 100% of the target!
75% of target reached!
Almost there! The 100! has reached 75% of the target!
50% of target reached!
At the half way mark! The 100! has reached 50% of the target!
25% of target reached!
Making great progress, The 100! has reached 25% of the target!
First donation made!
The 100! has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!
Fundraising started!
Jonathan Macdonald has launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!
Supporters (3 people)
Mollie Thompson
Mollie Thompson
Good luck Jonathan!
2 years ago
£100 + £25 Gift Aid
Frankie Jacobs
Frankie Jacobs
Good luck Jonathan!
2 years ago
£1,500 + £375 Gift Aid